Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Requirements for Sunshine

Requirements For Sunshine @ Sassoon Hospital

Sponsors Wanted for:
1. Setting up the Pediatric Physiotherapy Ward (quotation awaited from Hospital)

  • a. Partitions (3 to 4 half partitions) – 26 k 
  • b. Mirrors (5ft X 3 ft – 2 of them) – 5k 
  • c. Rexin covering for mattresses (7 to 8 mattresses) – 5 k 
  • d. Curtains for windows (approx 8 K)
 2. Thermometers (for all nurses - 40 of them) to keep in their pockets – because they do not have, regular correct monitoring of temperature is not happening, so if we can find a sponsor – all nurses can be given a thermometer to keep in their pockets – so that docs get correct feedback). Cost approx. Rs. 180/- each.
3. Volunteers for painting the walls – we have found the volunteers. Token gifts can be sponsored.
4. One large item on our wish list is getting the window in the Sunshine playroom replaced with a sliding window with built-in mosquito mesh. Approx cost: Rs. 10 K
5. Blankets (80 nos, new, can be bought in bulk from regular supplier) – approx. Rs 250/- each
In cash or kind for Sr.nos 6 to 10
6. Coloured pencils and crayons (new only)
7. Colouring books
8. Drawing books
9. Story books in Hindi and Marathi (age unto 12 yrs). No textbooks please
10. Audio CD's (Hindi or Marathi) for kids
We will not be taking any used toys or clothes anymore as disposing of incomplete games/ puzzles etc is a problem.
11. Puppet Show (arranged for 15th Dec for the kids) – Cost – Rs. 2500/-
Cheques can be drawn in favour of SOFOSH (80 G exemption under IT Act available) – for details, call Janaki (9960639162) or Saira (9860565850) or twistntales at 25881465/ 25899745.
Thank you!

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