Monday, August 25, 2008

Akash, Our head stands tall

Often I write about our girls who have done us proud. But the boys ?

For one, there have not been many. But the few who have been there have made us proud. Very Proud indeed.

Akash Dopeshwarkar, who has been with us in many stints and different avtaars.... has truly shone. Working with Nishikant Kamath in Dombivili Fast was his first break. But the big break has happened and the film has opened on Friday to rave reviews. "Mumbai Meri Jaan" is a good film. And our Akash is the Assistant Director of the film. Need i say more ? Congratulations Akash. We are truly proud. Like Dombivili Fast which made it to Cannes, we hope "Mumbai Meri Jaan" will make it to the Oscars.

Of course, there are others who are also well known personalities and stars in their own right. They all started right here, in twistntales. Like RJ Shrikant - who roped in Akash later !

We need more boys in our team. Bright Sparks all !


Mrinal said...

Hello Janaki,

We are pleased to announce the launch of 'Chakpak Picture Gallery Widgets - beta' . Movie Picture Gallery Widgets are small HTML scriptlets which you can copy to your blog and they show nifty picture gallery for the configured movie. They are a neat addition to your blog entry.

It looks like you are a movie buff, and frequently blog about movies. These Picture Gallery Widgets would be a great addition to the movie reviews that you write.

To start just go to Find the widget which you like. Click on Grab this widget and copy-paste the HTML scriptlet to your blog.

We hope you like them. Please send us any feedback on the widgets and help us improve the widgets further.

Chakpak Team

Liquifier said...

Yes yes more boys more boys!!

Seriously...Akash, kudos to you! Am going this weekend to watch!!