Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Business of Non-Politics

I hear a lot of talk about office politics these days. I used to think it only happened in big, multinational companies, but now, even people who run a business of their own complain.

I have worked with a lot of people at tnt. Watched a lot of others work. There have been mistakes, bust-ups...people who didn't seem...quite what we were looking for.
But never has there been any back-biting. People have fought, maybe been bitter, but it has all been up front.
We're not angelic or goody-goodies! Believe me, team tnt is known for quirkiness and passion.

One reason is that,nobody is 'bigger.'Nobody has a 'higher' job....we all climb ladders and mop floors whenever required. We're a small team that keeps changing. A team where everybody must know everything about the business.
Each person brings stories, a little bit more life into the store. The employess and the Store become one. And so, to think of maiming the Store in any way is unthinkable.

We do talk about people when they aren't there. We do tell each other how sweet Shama is and yes Boss, we normally talk about you in worried tones because you're running around in your head, and your truck!
But never, even in the throes of alcohol, has there been bitching.
We'll tell each other when things aren't right. Not because we're dying to bring the other person down, but because we care. We're secure enough about ourselves and our colleagues.

1 comment:

janaki said...


i'm so glad this came from you. There's a joy and a pleasure to work in a good team ... and we continuosly aspire to be one.

Only when we are happy, we can hope to spread the sunshine around and touch other lives. I'm sure in that sense, our customers do feel the warmth and welcomeness that all of you bring to tnt.

I'm so glad that as each of you go out, the newer ones are "initiated" into the tnt culture rightly ... Often a going employee brings resentment and bitterness and spoils the atmosphere for the new one. You guys have ensured that the warmth stays. Thanks.